Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trying to chronicle my third baby's digestive issues so I know better how to treat them and those of subsequent children (the first two had tgis as well, it was never fully understood or controlled). If it helps someone else, all the better.

Acid reflux symptoms manifested at approximately 3 weeks of age. Went to doctor shortlly thereafter, was prescribed Prevacid solutabs, 7.5 once a day. Knew it wouldn't be enough. Did it twice a day. Began to see results after a week. Doctor refused to up dosage to that amount. Was forced to switch to omeprazole/Zegerid/MCS homemade compound. Started to work after 4-5 days, then rapid decrease in sleep and comfort level. Acid production started to decrease again by day 12 but with it came an increase in stomach pain.

Some reflux symptoms such as gasping, head turning from side to side (possible Sandifer Syndrome), inability to sleep for prolonged periods, still present, especially noticeable during the day. At night stomach pain becomes apparent. Legs drawn into chest, screaming, screaming accompanied by some grunting when stomach is massaged. Very little gas is passed. Sleep is sporadic and short lived at best right now.

Bowel movement is pasty and grayish colored (from the compounded medication) but otherwise normal. BM occurs same time every day at approximately 7AM. Baby has no trouble passing BM. No mucus or blood present.

No noticeable stomach pain before day 12 on compounded PPI.

Currently on...
Gerber Soothe formula (probiotic in powder)
Mylicon drops in every bottle (doesn't seem to be helping)
Omep/Zeg/MCS compound at 2mg/ml, 3.5ml (7mg) 3xs a day as per MARCI kids dosing guidelines/suggestion

Day 14 started adding in extra probiotic (brand name to come soon, need to check)

Researching digestive enzymes, may add those into regimen a few times a day
Reading that low acid can cause lack of enzymes, which would make sense with the schedule of symptoms (stomach pain not apparent until acid reflux starts to diminish).
Klaire Labs has hypoallergenic enzymes but out of stock
May try GNC brand although contains dairy and soy

My kids seem to have these problems regardless of what formula they're on. Need to look beyond the formula if we can.

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