Monday, November 11, 2013

More direct quotes from Dr. Phillips

Copied and pasted directly from here:

Title: The Man Who Created Zegerid, Bb, Cc-z & Cc-m

Rachael - November 2, 2010 07:58 PM (GMT)
I am at the University of Missouri. I invented a drug, Zegerid. My work on PPIs began in 1994 when I was treating adult patients in the ICU that developed bleeding ulcers (called stress ulcers). If you google SOS (simplified omeprazole suspension) and Phillips you will see my early studies in life threatening upper GI bleeding from stress ulcers. At about the same time (1996 or so) I was informed that infants suffered from acid reflux and there were no meds specifically made for them. So I began working on studies of PPI medicines (primarily omeprazole and lansoprazole) in infants. It is then that I began to measure the elimination rate (similar to half-life) of these drugs in infants and discovered that they were being eliminated three times faster than in the adult population. Since that time Zegerid was FDA approved and now is available OTC. I continue to study acid reflux in infants and young children to try to understand the best ways to treat this condition in the safest way possible. Please ask any questions - always ask questions - never stop - that is how you become informed.

To do what is best for your LO, don't accept the status quo.

Here is a direct quote from Dr. P--

"Yes I invented Zegerid and it was my goal to provide a PPI medicine that would be in a suspension form for babies and for adults in the intensive care unit that were at risk of stomach bleeding from too much acid brought on by the stress of being critically ill. So I worked for ten years and finally there was a company interested in bringing the medicine I had worked on to market. Santarus was/is that company. Once they obtained the rights to Zegerid they needed to get the medicine on the market as soon as possible. So they went to the FDA and said look Zegerid contains omeprazole and omeprazole is already approved. Can we get a faster approval? The FDA came back to Santarus and said if you show that Zegerid is absorbed similarly to Prilosec (omeprazole) then yes we will grant approval. But you will have to use everything that is in the Prilosec labeling (including the information about waiting for at least 30 minutes after taking Prilosec to eat). And no I was not involved with the FDA process as the Santarus company had its own internal persons working with the FDA".

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